Costumes and Performances by Tab Kimpton


Source: Soul Calibur IV

Worn to:  MCM London Expo Oct 2009 Saturday

Awards: Judges Choice for Innovation

Took about 1 month to make, most of it done in 1 week leading up to expo

Matt is the perfect nightmare so we decided to do him again for expo.

I started work on the LED’s first which I’ve never done before. I learnt pretty damn fast though working on the eyes first then moving onto the stomach and other things.

I also learnt how to make a voice changer which was built from scratch from components and built into the suit to make Matt more scary to interact with in person.

The main suit was built with furniture foam, plastazote and latex. The helmet is just plastazote and latex with buckram used to see through.

The entire thing got painted in 2 days on tuesday and wednesday when I had to leave for expo on the friday.

Matt is happy with this costume, though it was very hot to wear in the excel centre so he didn’t keep it on for long. It was very flexible though so he could move easiy in it. This was a MASSIVE improvement on last years nightmare costume

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