Yet another foray into the realm of beautiful things! Detailed breakdown of construction including templates under cut!
First I studied the hell out of some references, then drew the guards up. I’ve scanned and sized them to A4 in the template over here:
I used my old friend PVC foam board again. Each bit was cut out, sanded, shaped with a knife then glued with super glue. For a cheaper version of this costume you could make these out of craft foam. The cross hatching is made with a cross head screwdriver!
Here’s a picture of the two pairs of gaurds with all the tools I used to sculpt them next to it. A very handy thing is a leather carving set like this. The raised rivets are made in the same way as the previous tutorial.
I cast the guards in silicone as per usual. I tend to tidy my moulds up a bit, left side is tidied up with scissors, right side is yet to be done.
I get me some resin and made two arm shaped jigs for the finished product to sit on.
Used 228g worth of easy flo 120 resin with black pigment. I write the amounts I use on the mould so I know how much to make up for re-casts.
When the resin is set enough to be non-sticky I pull it from the cast and put it on the jigs. The resin at the centre is much thicker and harder to bend so I give it some help with a heat gun. Easy flo 120 is bendy and can be re-heated to shape after casting.
I strap the two guards together with masking tape to ensure they have the same bend to them.
I tidy them up with sand paper, do some dry brushing and Viola!
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