Tab attends many events in the UK, and some outside of it too! If you would like me at your event please email Tab@khaoskostumes.com. You can see my next confirmed events below:
Amecon (Stall, panel)
Warwick Arts Centre
27-29th July
Manchester MCM Comic Con
(No Tab due to clash with Ame but stand will still be there!)
28-29th July
Jcon (Stall, panel)
24-25th August
UK LGBTQ Author Meet (Stall)
8-9th September
Thoughtbubble (Stall, panel)
22-23rd September
Glasgow MCM Comic Con
(No Tab due to clash with Thoughtbubble but stand will still be there!)
22-23rd September
Banzaicon (Stand, panel and performance)
Larvik, Norway
5-7th October
London MCM Comic Con (Stall only)
London Excel Centre
26-28th October
Doki Doki Japanese Arts Festival
10th November
Birmingham MCM Comic Con
Birmingham NEC
24-25th November
Minamicon (Panel, Stall and Performance)
Novatel Southampton
8-10 March
I have 8 years experience in giving panels on a range of topics including:
I’ve also run many workshops in my time, teaching people how to make mini Top hats, battle royal collars, bowties and even beards!
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