Source: Soul Calibur IV
Worn to: MCM London Expo Oct 2009 Saturday, Amecon 2010
Awards: Judges Choice for Innovation, Best Armour
Took about 2 months- one month of that was making the chain mail >.<
The first version of this armour was made using plastazote and latex for the under armour and a thermoplastic for the outer armour which was heat moulded to shape.
I was unsatisfied with the original armour so remade it in PVC foam board for Amecon 2010. It made it harder to wear as it was all solid state, but gave a better finish overall.
The chain mail was made by me from steel rings using european 4 in 1 pattern.
The wig is a lace front wig, hence why the hairline looks so good.
The sword is made of plastazote and reinforced with a fibreglass core. It contains LED’s which run on 6AA batteries which can be changed easily.
The longest amount of time spent on this costume was researching materials and sketching each part of the armour in detail before making it. Actual construction began with the chain mail which I worked on and off on for a month, and the main armour was constructed in 4 weeks. I was making nightmare at the same time though so it was probably less hours than people expect.
This costume is very hard to wear and takes a lot of stamina. It was the most uncomfortable costume I’ve ever made, thought it was mainly due to the heat as well as the weight of the sword combined with people knocking into me during the day.
I am very please with this, but now I’m at a bit of a loss as to what to do next. I’ve made my dream costume now XD.
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